Welcome to the North Shore Country Day Summer Programs for 2021. We are extremely excited to kick off our 71st summer of fun! The following information will provide you with a clear overview of how we will operate camp under the guidelines written by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

North Shore Country Day successfully conducted in-person learning for the 2020-2021 school year. By practicing recommended mitigation strategies, the School has been able to provide its students and staff with a healthy and safe learning environment. Cindy Hooper, NSCD Summer Programs Director, also is the School’s Director of Operations and led the COVID-19 mitigation efforts for the school.

Below you will find the NSCD Summer Programs policies and procedures for maintaining a healthy and safe summer camp community. Take time to review and understand expectations of our campers, staff and families four our upcoming summer camp experiences.

Face Coverings

All campers are required to bring at least two face coverings to camp. Face coverings must be at least two-ply cloth and cover the nose and mouth area securely.

All staff members will wear face coverings.

Daily Screening Procedures

Each day temperatures will be taken with a no-contact thermometer when staff and campers arrive at carpool line.

Campers or staff members with a fever or COVID-19 symptoms will not be permitted on campus.

Cleaning, Disinfection and Hygiene Procedures

We will teach and reinforce healthy hygiene practices including properly washing hands throughout the day. There will be multiple handwashing stations throughout the campus - indoors and outdoors for campers and staff to utilize.

Custodial staff will clean and disinfect rooms, table surfaces, doors handles, etc. after each activity or location used by the group. Camp staff will clean and disinfect activity equipment after each use by a group.

Our custodial staff and camp staff will be following all CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting as well as using products approved by the EPA for use against COVID-19.


A maximum of 16 campers per group (our goal is to honor friendship requests but there is no guarantee this summer.)

Three counselors assigned per group.

The Day Camp is mostly an outdoor based camp but in case of inclement weather groups will have separate spaces to use in order to limit the mixing of groups.

Groups will adhere to a schedule that promotes group activities and limits contacts with other groups throughout the camp day.

Unwell Campers and Staff Procedures

Anyone in the camp community who are COVID-19 positive or have recently had close contact with a COVID-19 positive person MUST stay home until they have met the CDC and IDPH Criteria to discontinue home isolation.

The Summer Programs nurse will lead the notification process for staff and families. The nurse will work with Cook County Department of Public Health on contact tracing procedures and notification.

Pool/Swim Lesson Program

Only two groups per block will be assigned to the pool.

Each group will be assigned to a designated changing space.

The use of physical guides for our campers, such as tape on the pool deck, will help with the practices of social distancing.

Activities and Programs

Instructional Activities will host one group at a time.

Activities spaces and equipment will be disinfected after each group visit.

Fridays will include a special activity or entertainment program.


No bus service will be offered at this time.

Extended Day Care

Extended Day Care hours for mornings are 7:30-9am
Extended Day Care hours for afternoons are 3:30-5pm.

Campers will be assigned to different rooms/play locations based on their age with a limit of 12 campers per room.

Parents will be greeted by a staff member at the carpool who will radio for your camper to be escorted to the car.

Lunch and Snack Procedures

Campers will bring a snack, lunch, and water bottle to camp each day. Snack and lunch will be kept separate from other groups’ food storage areas.

Groups will be assigned different locations on campus to eat snack and lunch in order for us to maintain social distancing practices.

Camper Arrival and Departure Procedures

In order to limit the number of people at camp, we are not allowing parents to stay on campus.
We ask that parents/guardians not exit their vehicles when picking up and dropping off their children.

Campers arriving late to camp may be dropped off until 9:20am. Those arriving after 9:20am will need to remain in their vehicles, call the camp office (847-441-3350). A staff member will greet and escort your child(ren) to their group.

In the event a camper needs to be picked up early from camp, call the camp office (847-441-3350) and let us know what time you will be arriving. Your child will be escorted to your vehicle.

Parents, visitors and other non-essential camp staff will not be permitted on campus (unless authorized by the camp director).

We recognize that there may be some separation issues with our younger campers. In this instance, we have a system in place that allows parents to escort their children to a designated area on campus where their child’s camp counselor will meet them to help with this transition.