Expedition Camps

(For children 10-13) Programs for 2020 are Farm-to-Table and Trailblazers.

The Camp for
Adventure Seekers

The North Shore Country Day School offers an exciting way for children ages 10 – 13 to spend their summer. The Expedition Camp programs are North Shore’s answer for people looking for adventure, challenge and freedom to explore and try new things. Whether it be by land or by water, the Expedition Camp offers something for everyone. The ultimate goal of these two-week sessions is not to see how far one travels, but rather to increase the camper’s knowledge and self-esteem, to create memories and to create a desire to seek out nature.

Dates & Times

3 sessions available:

June 15 – June 26
July 6 – July 17
July 20 – July 31

Program time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Door-to-door transportation available to campers living in our
pick-up area.

Register Now

Rates and Dates

The Expedition Camp is the answer for those looking for adventure and want to try new and exciting things.

Expedition Camp Fees
Register Now
Expedition Camps June 15-26 July 6-17 July 20 -31
Trailblazers 9:00 am - 3:30 pm $1350 $1350 $1350
Farm-to-Table 9:00 am - 3:30 pm $1350 $1350 $1350

DEPOSITS $500 per child is required with registration. This includes a $200 non-refundable and
nontransferable application fee. The remaining $300 is refundable until February 29, 2020.


3 sessions available:

June 15 – June 26
July 6 – July 17
July 20 – July 31

Program time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Door-to-door transportation available to campers living in our
pick-up area.

Register Now

North Shore Country Day School has developed an exciting new summer camp program that will teach kids ages 10 – 13 about gardening, cooking and what “farm to table” really means. When children participate in any aspect of gardening and cooking, it changes their approach to food and causes them to think about food differently. We will work with our campers—teaching them basic culinary skills and introducing them to new foods through hands-on participation in culinary preparation and education.

Campers will learn while participating in the planting, growing, weeding, watering, and harvesting of a living schoolyard garden. Each day will consist of activities including hands on work in the garden, indoor classroom activities, science, preparation of all natural healthy foods and treats, as well as some good old fashioned getting dirty with our hands in the dirt fun. Each two-week session is independent and the curriculum will change based on seasonally available vegetables and herbs. Recipes will be supplemented by purchased ingredients as necessary.

Our program will also introduce campers to the culinary world, giving them the opportunity to develop basic skills that will build the foundation to cook and create culinary treasures with proficiency throughout their entire life. On the first day of each session, we get right down to the business of cooking. We quickly assess the skill levels and interests of each class and plan out the week’s activities and menus. We always try to work in some of the foods they claim they don’t like as this helps to broaden their horizons and make them more willing to be adventurous. Unlocking and opening the door to develop good kitchen skills, sound nutrition and inspiring the gourmand in students is an important step for providing a better path for life.

Trailblazer Program

3 sessions available:

June 15 – June 26
July 6 – July 17
July 20 – July 31

Program time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Door-to-door transportation available to campers living in our
pick-up area.

Register Now

The Trailblazers program is a two week outdoor adventure based program for campers ages 10-13. The goal of the program is to develop new skills in outdoor adventure activities all the while developing an appreciation of the natural world.

The two week session has a variety of the land and water activities. Campers will learn about hiking, biking, rock climbing, outdoor cooking and camping, fishing, kayaking and canoeing are also a part of the program. The last two days of the session campers go overnight camping.

Campers do not need any equipment. Each day they should pack swim suit, towel, sun screen, snack, lunch and drink. Campers will use the facilities at North Shore Country Day as well as local parks and forest preserves.

Expedition Camp
Program Details

Let your adventure start here! We offer a full line of summer camp adventures such as sports, skills, hobbies, and watersports.


The Day Camp/Language Immersion Program/Expedition Camps offer door-to-door transportation to those families who live inside of our pick-up area, which ranges from Evanston to Glencoe. We travel as far west as Waukegan Road in Glenview. This service is included in your camp tuition.

With safety as our number one concern, the Summer Program operates a fleet of certified school buses driven by fully licensed drivers.

Transportation assignments will be mailed the first week of June. No transportation requests or changes will be accepted after May 15.

If you are providing your own transportation, we ask that you drop-off and pick-up your child in the circle parking lot each day. For campers who begin the day at 9:00 a.m., please do not drop off earlier than 8:50 a.m. Also, if you are planning to pick up your child early, we ask that you call and/or send a note in advance. We will have your child waiting for you in the camp office.

Extended Care

Morning program is from - Times are 7:30-9:00 am.
(no transportation available)

Afternoon program is from - Times are 3:30-5:30 pm.
(no transportation available)


Instructors for the Expedition Camps programs are experienced outdoors people. Each staff member has a love of nature, and a desire to share that passion with the next generation. All staff undergo extensive training in program curriculum and safety procedures.