FL North Shore Country Day School Summer Programs provide the best summer day camp programs near Chicago, IL such as boating, swimming lessons, tennis, outdoor activities and gymnastics. We have a vast range of programs for ages 3 to13 years old. If you are looking for fun things to do in the summer and provide your children the best summer vacation. Located close to Lake Michigan and beautiful city of Winnetko, IL.
Winnetka IL, 60093 USA
224-286-6798DEPOSITS $500 per child is required with registration. This includes a $200 non-refundable and nontransferable application fee. The remaining $300 is refundable until February 29, 2020.
This activity is for campers ages 7-10. Campers will learn rules of the game, strokes and competition. Skill work emphasized. No equipment necessary.
Our gymnastics program is led by a qualified gymnastic instructor. Instruction is geared for our campers ages 4 – 6 years and emphasizes stretching, tumbling and low beam exercise.
The Day Camp’s archery program is taught under the auspices of the Camp Archery Association. This program is for our campers ages 7 – 10 years. An emphasis on safety is an integral part of this program.
Everyone participates in arts & crafts. Age-appropriate projects keep the campers busy twice a week in this creative program.
We offer daily swim lessons. Boating activities for our 8 – 10-year-old campers. boating program takes place at local waters.
We offer group instruction in archery, arts & crafts, creative play, dance, gymnastics, outdoor adventures (includes rock climbing) and tennis. Offerings depend on age of camper.
if you are planning to pick up your child early, we ask that you call and/or send a note in advance. We will have your child waiting for you in the camp office.
If you are providing your own transportation, we ask that you drop-off and pick-up your child in the circle parking lot each day.
Transportation assignments will be mailed the first week of June. No transportation requests or changes will be accepted after May 15.
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