North Shore Country Day School Summer Programs

Marshall County North Shore Country Day School Summer Programs provide the best summer day camp programs near Chicago, IL such as boating, swimming lessons, tennis, outdoor activities and gymnastics. We have a vast range of programs for ages 3 to13 years old. If you are looking for fun things to do in the summer and provide your children the best summer vacation. Located close to Lake Michigan and beautiful city of Winnetko, IL.

Services Offered:

∞ North Shore Country Day School


Winnetka IL, 60093 USA


Cities we are serving in Marshall County

Work Performed Below are projects we have completed for clients and the cities they were in along with client reviews.

  Near Sparland, IL 61565

North Shore Country Day School has developed an exciting new summer camp program that will teach kids ages 10 – 13 about gardening, cooking and what “farm to table” really means. When children participate in any aspect of gardening and cooking, it changes their approach to food and causes them to think about food differently.

Mary G.
  Near Henry, IL 61537

The ultimate goal of these two-week sessions is not to see how far one travels, but rather to increase the camper’s knowledge and self-esteem, to create memories and to create a desire to seek out nature.

Mary G.


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